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Parent Club

What is the Parent Club?

The Children’s Trust has partnered with local parenting experts and Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) to offer FREE, countywide workshops on relevant topics about raising children that will bring the most out of you and them.

At each 60-minute workshop, caregivers may receive free child care for children 3-12 years old, a snack and entry into a raffle drawing with the completion of a short post-workshop survey. For regular attendance, family engagement activities entry fee prizes are offered monthly as a Parent Club reward.

Workshops are available in English, Spanish and Creole, during flexible hours, including afternoon, evening and weekends, as well as in convenient locations with delivery in person or virtual. The goal of the Parent Club is to maximize reach to large groups of parents who could benefit from the parenting information that is based on the latest research.

Available Workshops

You have the freedom to attend any of our workshops in any order. Each workshop lasts approximately 60 minutes and are designed to be an interactive brief introduction to effective parenting strategies to try at home. Workshops support families across the developmental spectrum from prenatal and early childhood through the transition to adulthood. Below are the categories of workshop topics currently offered:

In these workshops parents and caregivers gain knowledge and practice skills specific to meeting the needs of caregivers with young children, whether in the home, at school or socially. Topics include childhood resiliency, child stress, toddlerhood, tantrums and other age specific topics.

Parents are supported in these workshops with information geared at parents with older children in the teenage years. Knowledge and practice skills are gained in the workshops on subject matter such as, decision making, healthy lifestyles, social connections, self-discipline and school involvement.

These workshops focus on the use of literacy strategies to engage parents and children in activities for children birth to 8 that promote and develop healthy early literacy skills in daily life. It includes the Ready Set Go series and La Fuerza de Familias Latinas curriculums.

If you cannot find a convenient time or location in the workshop calendar and would like to host a workshop topic or series for a minimum group of 15 or more parents, click here to submit a workshop request form. You will be contacted within 2 business days from your submission by the designated partner agency.

Please be aware that certain requirements apply and not all requests to host a workshop will be granted. Below are some of the requirements but other restrictions may apply.

Room accommodations:

  • Seating must be provided for 15, the number of parents expected.
  • Layout must allow for connecting a laptop, projector and/or speaker, as well as set up of a projector screen facing the audience.

Parents must agree to:

  • Register online
  • Stay for the full 60-minute workshop
  • Complete a brief post workshop survey

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Three adults collaborating at a computer workstation in a bright, modern classroom or library setting.


For questions about The Children’s Trust Parent Clubs.

little girl waving to a computer screen
A logo for Be Strong International
A logo for the FIU Center for Children and Families
A logo for University of Miami UHealth Miller School of Medicine
A logo for Miami-Dade County Public School
A logo for the Miami-Dade Public Library System