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Champions for Children Program Book

Champions for Children Program Book

Trim Size: 6” x 9”

2-Page Spread - $800

12” x 9” (72 picas x 54 picas) Horizontal. Add 1/8” (or 1 pica) bleed all four sides
Do not place important content within .25” of gutter

Full-Page - $500

Non-Bleed: 5” x 8” (30 picas x 48 picas) Vertical
Bleed: 6” x 9” (36 picas x 54 picas). Add 1/8” (or 1 pica) bleed all four sides

Half-Page - $300

Non-Bleed ONLY: 5” x 3.92” (30 picas x 23.5 picas) Horizontal ONLY

ALL ads are to be submitted as 300 DPI CMYK.

Acceptable formats (in order of preference): High-res PDF (all fonts embedded or converted to paths); EPS; native Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 or below (all fonts MUST be converted to paths); TIFF; JPEG. Native Microsoft Word or Publisher files are NOT acceptable. Ads created in Word or Publisher must be converted to PDF.

Email file or download link to no later than April 4.