Steven Adkins

Member selected by a coalition of the local chambers of commerce
Finance & Operations
Photo of Steven Adkins

An accomplished business, hospitality, and tourism leader, Steven Adkins has dedicated his career to building business relationships, closing social gaps, working for equality, assisting the marginalized, and making his community a better place to live, work and play. 

With professional roots in the banking industry, a move to Miami almost 25 years ago presented an opportunity for Mr. Adkins to take an active role in the hospitality and tourism industry as the owner of a Miami Beach bed and breakfast. As a gay businessman, he became involved with the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC). Several years later when the head of the organization stepped down, Mr. Adkins stepped into the position and found his calling.

Adkins’ business expertise, passion for community and dedication to advocacy has garnered the Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce recognition as among the most accomplished and impactful organizations of its kind in the country. Under his leadership, chamber membership grew exponentially and, through the MDGLCC Foundation, opened the first and only LGBTQ Visitor Center in the world on Miami Beach, which helped position Greater Miami and Miami Beach as a gay and lesbian-friendly year-round destination.