Eligible Applicants
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants may be governmental entities, for-profit or not-for-profit organizations or faith-based organizations providing services within Miami-Dade County. Applicants and their respective subcontractors should be currently qualified to conduct business in the State of Florida, under the laws of Florida per Chapter 607, Florida Statutes, and must be qualified to conduct business on or before the service and contract start date(s). Eligible applicants and subcontractors must remain qualified to conduct business in the State of Florida for the duration of the funding cycle. All subcontractors must comply with all policies and contractual requirements.
The Children’s Trust ("The Trust") typically accepts only one (1) proposal per agency for a particular program funding opportunity (e.g., parenting). However, in the case of large entities with multiple, distinct departments or units, such as municipalities and universities, this limit of one proposal will be applied to the department or unit level. An applicant may include different service strategies for various intended populations in a single application, describing each strategy and population within the application. Additionally, if the same group of participants will receive multiple service strategies, and/or multiple groups will receive the same service strategies, they will be included in a single program application.
Subject to limited exceptions, eligible applicants are required to submit an annual financial statement audit as defined in the specific grant opportunity of interest to be eligible for funding from The Trust. If an agency owes funds to The Trust, that agency must repay all amounts owed prior to the application due date of this solicitation to be considered an eligible applicant.
The Children’s Trust is by statute (Section 125.901(2)(a)(3)) required to allocate and provide funds for other agencies in the county that are operated for the benefit of children, provided they are not under the exclusive jurisdiction of the public school system. Miami-Dade County Public Schools, as well as applicants that operate as a charter school system in the State of Florida, are ineligible for funding. However, collaboration with the public school system and leveraged use of school resources by applicants are encouraged.
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