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General Programmatic Funding Requirements

Programmatic funding aims to distribute grants to community-based organizations for services that support children and families in Miami-Dade County. It does not include competitive procurement for the selection of persons or entities to construct public improvements or to provide supplies, materials, or purchase goods and services. Normal procurement processes do not apply except those The Children’s Trust has expressly opted to incorporate herein.

Applications and supporting information and materials submitted by applicants will be available for public inspection in compliance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Applicants should not submit information that the applicant considers proprietary, confidential, or a trade secret. All submissions will be treated as public records irrespective of whether the applicant marks any part as confidential, proprietary, or a trade secret. Submissions shall be deemed conclusively as a waiver of any trade secret or other protection, which would otherwise be available to the applicant.

All work contained in applications is expected to be the unique and original product of the applicant agency. Plagiarism or duplication from another’s work may deem the application ineligible for funding or consideration, at the sole discretion of The Children’s Trust.

Grant Process Postponement or Cancellation

The Children’s Trust may, at its sole and absolute discretion, accept or reject any and all responses or parts of any and all applications; re-advertise the competitive solicitation; postpone or cancel a solicitation; further negotiate project scope(s) and budget(s); postpone or cancel the competitive solicitation at any time; or waive any irregularities in the process or in the applications received in response to the process. If for any reason funds are not allocated or available, The Children’s Trust reserves the right to postpone or cancel a competitive solicitation at any time. The Children’s Trust reserves the right to request and evaluate additional information from any applicant after the submission deadline.

Costs Incurred by Proposers

Any and all expenses involved in the preparation and submission of applications, or any work performed in connection with development and submission of an application shall be borne by applicants. No payment will be made for any responses received by The Children’s Trust or for any other effort required of, or made by applicants prior to commencement of work, as defined by a contract to be entered into between The Children’s Trust and the entity approved for funding.

Changes/Updates of Applicant’s Location or Contact Information

It is the responsibility of the applicant to update its application concerning any changes in its contact information (i.e., telephone number, address, e-mail address).

Withdrawal of Applications

Applications shall be irrevocable until contracts are awarded unless the application is withdrawn. An application may be withdrawn, in writing only, via email to The Children's Trust Helpdesk at

Core Contract

By submitting an application for funding, applicants acknowledge and ensure their ability to comply with all applicable terms and conditions of The Trust core contract and its attachments.

Children with Disabilities and Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care

The Trust expects all funded service providers to meet the federal standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act. By policy, Trust providers must implement reasonable programmatic accommodations to include children with disabilities and their families, whenever possible. Requirements for each initiative are included in the specific funding opportunity.

Typically, services are funded for youth through age 18. However, youth with disabilities who have not attained a standard diploma and who continue attending classes guided by an Individual Education Plan (IEP) are eligible to participate in programming through age 21.

In addition, youth transitioning out of foster care and participating in extended foster care may be served: (1) through age 21 if receiving services through the My Future, My Choice extended care option; and (2) through age 23 if participating  in either the Florida Road to Independence (RTI) or Postsecondary Educational Services and Support (PESS) programs.

Programmatic Data Reporting

All programs must report demographic and service information on program participants to The Trust. In addition, funded providers must furnish The Trust with complete and accurate reports in the timeframe and format to be reasonably specified by The Trust.

Program and Professional Development

Funded applicants are expected to participate fully in all Trust-sponsored program and professional development supports as required by each initiative; for details visit the Training and Professional Development page of the website.

Cross-Program Collaboration and Community Connections

In line with the mission of The Trust, an intrinsic value is placed on collaboration among community organizations in support of children and families. Across all initiatives, cross-collaborative strategies are intended to build upon established relationships and create new relationships with community organizations that can meet child and family needs. The Trust expects funded programs to serve as gateways to other needed services that are not directly provided by their respective programs. Successful applicants should demonstrate services will not be performed in isolation but, rather, connected within the community in light of existing programs, initiatives, systems of care and identified community needs.

Fiscal Soundness

The Trust seeks to fund projects that are operated by fiscally sustainable agencies with sufficient operating funds on hand or available in reserves, to cover all expenses associated with services provided. At minimum, agencies should maintain sufficient funds (working capital) to cover two months' worth of expenses at any given time during their contract period. Thus, all applicants for direct services must include a copy of the most recent audited financial statement, which includes: 

  • An annual financial statement audit, performed by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firm that is licensed and registered to conduct business by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
  • Written communication encompassing the requirements of AU-C section 265, “Communicating Internal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit.”
  • Written communication encompassing the requirements of AU-C section 260, “The Auditor’s Communication With Those Charged With Governance.”
  • Written communication encompassing the requirements of Government Auditing Standards, which includes an “Independent Auditors’ Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance With Government Auditing Standards.”
  • A single audit conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, “Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations,” or the Florida Single Audit Act, section 215.97, Florida Statutes, if applicable.
  • A management letter; if no management letter is prepared by a provider’s CPA firm, then the CPA firm must expressly confirm, in writing, that no management letter was issued.

The most recent annual financial statement audit is defined as the audit for the applicant’s most recent fiscal year-end, while allowing 180 days after the applicant’s fiscal year closes to complete the annual financial statement audit. For example, if an applicant’s fiscal year ends on December 31, then on July 1 of the following year, the most recent annual financial statement audit required for this application would be the annual financial statement audit for the fiscal year ended December 31, 20XX. The fiscal year end date of the submitted audited financial statements should not be greater than 545 days prior to the application submission date.

The Children’s Trust’s finance department reviews and scores the agency audit to assess the level of fiscal solvency, compliance and strength of internal controls. The Trust reserves the right to either refuse to fund an applicant or to withdraw any contract award with agencies that are unable to demonstrate minimum fiscal standards. Agencies recommended for funding that score below a minimum fiscal rating may have additional post-application fiscal or contract requirements to reduce The Children’s Trust’s financial risk.

Method of Payment

The Trust generally uses a cost-reimbursement method of payment for direct service contracts. Funded applicants will be paid in accordance with the approved budget after expenses are incurred. Funded providers also agree to pay their subcontractors, vendors and employees for the fulfillment of services provided on a timely basis. The Trust expects that all funded applicants maintain sufficient funds in the amount of at least 15% of their operating budget. Adequate working capital is considered a best practice and is necessary when managing a cost-reimbursement contract. Funded providers are expected to possess the funds necessary to cover initial program expenses, and then request reimbursement from The Trust. These procedures require adequate fiscal health and soundness, which are demonstrated within the disclosures of the financial statement audit that must be submitted alongside the application (see Section F. Fiscal Soundness).

Match Funding

Because the need and demand for services and programs inevitably exceeds the amount of funding available, all applicants are encouraged to demonstrate the use of leveraged funds from other sources and the use of complementary resources when preparing a funding request. Match funding or cost sharing may be a requirement for some initiatives that will be stated in the specific grant opportunity. Even when match funding is not required, it is a desirable attribute that The Trust encourages when funding services and programs.

Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRA)

The Trust has entered into agreements with two (2) Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) to fund programs within the City of Miami Omni CRA and the City of Miami Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA, respectively. The amount of CRA funding in each area varies each year and is not required to come from any particular Trust-funded initiative, but rather, in the aggregate, must meet the agreed upon amounts annually, per CRA. The Trust regularly monitors the value of funded services provided within the CRAs to ensure The Trust meets its CRA agreements. The two (2) City of Miami CRA investment areas include portions of ZIP codes 33127, 33128, 33132 and 33136. Please refer to the maps for the specific geographic boundaries of each CRA investment area described here. All funding for this solicitation is contingent upon the availability of funds.